Learning Village is a blended EAL vocabulary, language structure and reading programme for new to English and low-level literacy learners from 6-11 and 12-16 years old.
This interactive gamified and immersive format for learning provides carefully scaffolded survival language, phonics and spelling and academic language. Learning Village is suitable for learners of ANY mother tongue and ANY literacy level due to using image as the primary language of instruction and a special learning approach through language patterns.
Learning Village offers independent learning, small group teaching and resources for focussed differentiation in class.
To help you find out more we are running a series of FREE webinars:
For your EAL Learners:
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 8am and 4pm UK time
Open to all: Introduction to the Learning Village (Primary and Secondary)
Thursday 19th September 2024, 8am and 4pm UK time
Open to all: Introduction to AssessEP
For your parents:
Wednesday 25th September, 8am and 4pm UK time
Open to all: Introduction to the Community Village (Adult ESOL)
And for all our webinars and courses for the rest of the school year click the link below:
All webinars and courses – 24/25